Moofers Clothing
In a beautiful 19th century building on the Toussaintkade in The Hague Moofers Fashion & Art Salon is located. Home of Moofers Clothing. Also home of more designers and artists. The salon is a shop but slightly different than you are used to.
The label 'salon' fits with the historic building and what we want to achieve with the salon. It emphasizes taking the time to experience the fashion & art we show in the salon. The different disciplines strengthen each other.
Behind a painting or a piece of jewellery, is a person who created it with passion and vision. Like fashion, it takes a lot of craftsmanship.
2513 CK Den Haag
T 070 743 0138
Piet Heinplein 1
Prins Hendrikstraat160
Toussaintkade 22
Piet Heinstraat 90
Prins Hendrikstraat 124
Prins Hendrikstraat 97
Prins Hendrikstraat 177
Prins Hendrikstraat 132
Piet Heinstraat 69